Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Ogam-Inschrift: CIIC-Nr. 162
Ogam Inscription: CIIC no. 162
Original location: Ballintaggart
County: Kerry
Surroundings: Burial ground
Year of discovery: 0
Actual location: =

Actual reading:
Latin Transcription: ?
Ogam Transcription: ? Ogam Transliteration: ?
Other readings, history, comments etc.:
Location and history:
For the location and discovery, cd. {155.}. According to Ferguson, OI 35, this is the ninth Ogham-inscribed monument of the site, and it "lies outside the Killeen to the south". - The stone could not be found when visiting the site in 1978.
Size according to Macalister, CIIC: 3'11" x 1'4" x 0'9"
No size is given by Brash, OIM 205.
Published illustrations:
- Macalister, CIIC 1, 156 (outline of inscription).
"Proposed Verbation":
culumb maqqi ficia[s?] or ficuu
The stone is assigned "No. XXIII" in Ferguson's "List of Moulds of
Inscribed Stones from .. Localities in the Barony of Corkaguiney".
If "this is the inscription marked No. 23 in the collection of paper casts, Mus. R.I.A., .. Dr. Ferguson has given a defective version of it in his `tabulated precis' .. where he has `Culumbaqqificia(s?) or ficus'." The correct reading is Cui Maqqi Ritti on the stone as well as the cast. - "CU, as a prefix, has been found on a number of monuments; it is here used as a proper name"; cp. the surnames Cue and MacCue to be found in South Ireland. - Ritti "has been identified on many Ogam pillars".
Colum maqqi Fic(ias).
"The upper half of the b digit may well be supposed to have been lost" if the reading maqqi was intended.
The inscription was "not satisfactorily read .. till I had twice examined the stone very carefully." - The verbation is ambiguous" because of maqqi and avi appearing side by side; usually the inscription is taken as Cunamaqqi avi Corbbi. Cp. Ballinrannig VII {154}, the different readings of which "fairly well agreed on Co/una maqqi Corbbi"; this must be Cuna maqqi Corbbi, not Cunamaqqi Corbbi so that "we have Cun and Corb brought together in relationship .. Hence we may reject" the usual interpretation, and only Cuna maqqi avi Corbbi = Cuin mauc ui Cuirb is left. "This is valuable testimony to the independent origin of the expression mac ui, afterwards confounded with the genitive muc¢i." - "Cun, Con, and Corb are very common names, and form the bases for many derivatives - Cunitt-, Corbagn-, &c. - It is probable that the Corb of the two stones was one individual, Ballinrannig VII {154} commemorating his son, and Ballintaggart VIII {162} his great-grandson." - The stone is further mentioned by Macalister, Epig. 3, 62 with the reading Cuna maqqi avi Corbbi, formerly misread as Cui maqqi Ritti and Colum maqqi Ficias.
"The last five letters, while not in serious doubt, can scarcely be discerned." - Note "the resemblance between this inscription and that of Ballinrannig VII" {154}.
The reading is "hopeful".
No new reading is available.
Last changes of this record: 27.04.97
Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1996. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.