Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Eingabe bibliographischer Daten
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Via this page you can enter bibliographical data concerning your publications. Please refer to the formatting hints given below and choose the form of publication in question; the adequate entry form will then appear on your screen. After filling in the form, a mail containing the data you entered will be sent to the TITUS bibliography automatically.
Formatting hints:
For the data entry, you will have to use Roman letters using the ISO norm 8859-1 . This means that you will dispose of a restricted amount of characters only. Please refer to the following exhaustive list:
! " ' ( ) * , - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < > ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ] a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { } À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ø ù ú û ü ý þ All characters as listed above form part of the ISO norm and can be entered as such using your keyboard.
All other characters will have to be transcribed or encoded according to the following rules:
- Transcription of Eastern European and Non-European names and titles (including Cyrillic):
- Diacritic marks have to be entered separately after the characters they pertain to:
Name Symbol Name Symbol Acute / Grave \ Tilde ~ Diaeresis (Trema) + Macron = Circumflex (Caret) ^ Hacek (Caron) $ Dot below % Slash | Dot/half circle above @ Cedilla ` Nasal hook (Ogonek) & Macron below _ Half circle below # - If you want to use one of these marks as such (not as diacritics), a space has to be entered before them.
- Cyrillic characters that have no unique Roman equivalent must be transcribed using the following combinations:
Name Symbol Name Symbol zhe z$ ZHE s$ che c$ CHE C$ sha s$ SHA S$ shcha s$c$ SHCHA S$C$ Hard sign " Soft sign ' Inverted e e% Inverted E E% ju ju JU Ju ja ja JA Ja - Examples:
Kuryl|owicz, Mes$c$aninov, R%gveda, S/atapathabra=hman%a, Ka=t%haka-Sam%hita=
- Encoding of Greek text elements (according to "Betacode"):
- All Greek text elements have to be embedded in the markings <b> and </b> (please do not miss the angle brackets!).
- Characters without diacritics have to be substituted by the following Roman letters:
Majuscules Name Minuscules Majuscules Name Minuscules A alpha a B beta b G gamma g D delta d E epsilon e V digamma v Z zeta z H eta h Q theta q I iota i K kappa k L lambda l M mu m N nu n C xi c O omicron o P pi p R rho r S sigma s sigma (final) j T tau t U upsilon u F phi f X chi x Y psi y W omega w - Greek diacritics have to be entered after the characters they belong to, using the following symbols (in the given order):
Name Symbol Name Symbol Smooth breathing ) Rough breathing ( Acute / Grave \ Circumflex = Diaeresis (Trema) + Iota subscript | - If you want to use one of these marks separately (i.e., not as diacritics), a space has to be entered before them. Parentheses can be substituted by braces.
- Greek sentence marks have to be substituted by the following symbols:
Name Symbol Name Symbol Apostrophe ' Hyphen - Comma , Full stop . Colon : Semicolon (question mark) ; - Example: The first line of Odysseia would have to look as follows:
<b> a)/ndra moi e)/nnepe, Mou=sa, polu/tropon o(\j ma/la polla/ </b>
- Encoding of linguistic (Indo-European, transcriptional) text elements:
- Linguistic text elements have to be embedded using <i> and </i> (please do not miss the angle brackets!).
- Those characters (without diacritics) that are not included in the ISO norm have to be substituted by the following combinations:
Name Symbol Name Symbol Schwa (inverted e) e% ng-ligature n^ - Diacritics have to be entered after the characters they belong to, using the following symbols (in the given order):
Name Symbol Name Symbol Acute / Grave \ Tilde ~ Diaeresis (Trema) + Macron = Circumflex (Caret) ^ Hacek $ Dot below % Slash | Dot / half circle above @ Cedilla ` Nasal hook (Ogonek) & Macron below _ halb circle below #
- If you want to use one of these marks separately (i.e., not as diacritics), a space has to be entered before them.
- Superscript letters and numbers have to be embedded by the codes <sup> and </sup>, subscripts by <sub> and </sub> (please do not miss the angle brackets!).
- Examples:
The Indo-European word for "horse" is; it should be encoded as follows:
The Avestan word for "truth" is <i>h<sub>1</sub>ek/u#o-</i>; it should be encoded as follows:
What kind of publication are you about to enter?
Please choose the matching entry form!
Books, monographs, independent publications; Articles in journals; Contributions in jubilee or commemorative volumes and other collective works; Review articles.