Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Ogam-Inschrift: CIIC-Nr. 161
Ogam Inscription: CIIC no. 161
Original location: Ballintaggart
County: Kerry
Surroundings: Ditch near burial ground
Year of discovery: 0
Actual location: =

Actual reading:
Latin Transcription: INISSIONAS
Ogam Transcription: åäêéåäêèêèåäãêéâêè Ogam Transliteration: âââââçççççâââââççççæççççâââââçççççâçççç
Direction of reading: "du-tr"
Other readings, history, comments etc.:
Location and history:
For the location and discovery, cd. {155.}. According to Brash, OIM 204, this stone was found by J. Windele "lying in the ditch of an adjoining field".
Size according to Brash, OIM 204 ("No. 7."): 3'2", 3'4" girth;
Size according to Macalister, CIIC: 3'2" x 1'1" x 0'8".
Published illustrations:
- Brash, OIM pl. XXIII, no. 7 (draft);
- Macalister, CIIC 1, 155 (outline of inscription).
"Proposed Verbation":
The stone is assigned "No. XVIII" in Ferguson's "List of Moulds of
Inscribed Stones from .. Localities in the Barony of Corkaguiney".
This "looks very unlike a proper name, and more like that of a locality, having the prefix Inis, i.e. an island, or land lying along the bank of a river, lake, or any water. May it not have been a boundary stone?" Ferguson's reading was `Inissianon(os)' [where?]; this cannot be read from his paper cast. Brash's copy agrees "in every score" with J. Windele's.
The inscription is peculiar in that the vowels are "indicated throughout the greater part of the text by stem-crossing digits equally long as those employed for consonants". - "If the name be Ssimon, we might recognise, in the initial ini, a reflection of the inso of Eochaid."
This is "a somewhat unusual name"; cp. Broinionas on Ballinrannig IV {151}. "Professor Rhßs [where?] has found a parallel in Inisian, a name occurring in the Manumissions in the Bodmin Gospels" (ed. Stokes, RC I, 332 sqq..
The letters are "apparently pocked on the dexter side and the top, but now extremely worn."
The inscription is preserved complete.
Reading Gippert (1978):
"Surface angle,
dexter - top":
Additional literature:
- RC I, 332 ff.: Wh. Stokes
Last changes of this record: 27.04.97
Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1996. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.