Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien
Ogam-Inschrift: CIIC-Nr. 061
Ogam Inscription: CIIC no. 061
Original location: Bishop's Island
County: Cork
Year of discovery: 1914
Actual location: Cork, U.C.

Actual reading:
Latin Transcription: OLAGNI MAQ[
Ogam Transcription: ãèâðêéåäæïâîí[ Ogam Transliteration: ââççâïïçççççâââââïâëëëëë[
Direction of reading: du
Other readings, history, comments etc.:
Location and history:
According to Macalister, CIIC, the stone was found "by Rev. Canon Power (in 1914?) built into the gate-pier of a farm wall". It was removed to the Cork U.C. where it is assigned the no. 26 in the collection.
Size according to Macalister, CIIC: 3'2" x 1'0" x 0'5"
Published illustrations:
- Macalister, CIIC 1, 65 (draft)
Possibly a letter from the H-series is missing before the O. After Q2 the stone has been broken off.
The end has been broken off.
Reading Gippert (1981):
Angle up:
The reading is in accordance with the transcript given in the Cork U.C. - Given that the stone is broken at the bottom, it is not clear at all whether the inscription started with the O originally.
Additional literature:
- Ivernian 6, 1914, 201 (Power).
Last changes of this record: 26.04.97
Copyright Jost Gippert, Frankfurt a/M 1996. No parts of this document may be republished in any form without prior permission by the copyright holder.