The Department of Computational Linguistics at the University of
Saarland, Saarbruecken, Germany, invites applications for the position
of Research Scientist ("Wissenschaftlicher Assistent") in the area of
HUMAN SENTENCE PROCESSING. The ideal candidate will have interests and
experience in some of the following areas:

   + Experimental psycholinguistics: designing, running and analysing
   experiments on human subjects using various paradigms such as
   self-paced reading, eye-tracking, language production etc.

   + Corpus-based, probabilistic methods: the analysis of corpora,
   including the extraction of lexical and syntactic biases,
   estimation of probabilities and measures of association.

   + Computational psycholinguistics: implementation of computational
   models of human sentence processing, including stochastic
   modelling (connectionist or probabilistic).

The position involves the pursuit of independent and collaborative
research, as well as a contribution to administrative, supervisory and
teaching activities, within the newly established Psycholinguistics
group. Candidates should have a PhD degree in a relevant subject
area. The position is on the BAT IIa scale (up to DM 80K, depending on
age and family status) and is tenable for 3 years in the first
instance with the possibility of renewal.

The University of Saarland has an international profile in the area of
computational linguistics (Depts. of Computational Linguistics,
Informatics and DFKI: The German Research Centre for Artificial
Intelligence). The University also has an active programme of research
in cognitive science, with participation of the Depts. of Psychology
and Philosophy, which is further supported by a Graduate School for
Cognitive Science and a Centre of Excellence (SFB 378) in the area of
"Resource Adaptive Cognitive Processing".

The position is available from early 2000. While applications will be
accepted until the position is filled, submissions received before 
14 December, 1999 are assured fullest consideration. Interested persons
should send a letter of application giving contact details for three
possible referees, a full CV, and statement of research interests to:

   Dr. Matthew W. Crocker
   Department of Computational Linguistics
   University of Saarland
   66041 Saarbruecken

   Applications and inquiries by email are also welcome, and should 
   be sent to: crocker@coli.uni-sb.de.

The University of Saarland seeks to increase the proportion of women
in positions where they are under-represented, and therefore
particularly encourages applications from women. In the selection
procedure, disabled persons with equivalent qualifications will be

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