7th International Columbia School Conference
          on the Interaction of
Linguistic Form and Meaning with Human Behavior

          February 16-18, 2002
          Columbia University
          New York, New York

           Invited Speakers:

               Joan Bybee
          University of New Mexico

             Melissa Bowerman
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics

             Alan Huffman
     City University of New York

Papers are invited on any aspect of linguistic
analysis in which the postulation of meaningful
signals plays a central role in explaining the
distribution of linguistic forms.

The Columbia School is a group of linguists developing
the theoretical framework originally established by
the late William Diver.  Language is seen as a
symbolic tool whose structure is shaped both by its
communicative function and by the characteristics of
its human users.  Grammatical analyses account for the
distribution of linguistic forms as an interaction
between linguistic meaning and pragmatic and
functional factors such as inference, ease of
processing, and iconicity.  Phonological analyses
explain the syntagmatic and paradigmatic distribution
of phonological units within signals, also drawing on
both communicative function and human physiological
and psychological characteristics.

Please submit:

.       3 copies of a one-page anonymous abstract (optional
second page for references, examples, tables, etc.) to
the address below.
.       A 3x5 inch index card with the following
        -       Title of paper
        -       Author's name and affiliation
        -       Address, phone, e-mail, for notification

E-mailed abstracts should include all the above
information, which will be deleted before the
abstracts are reviewed.

Address for hard-copy abstracts and other
Professor Radmila Gorup
Department of Slavic Languages
Columbia University
New York, NY  10027

Address for e-mailed abstracts:


The language of the conference is English.  Papers
delivered in languages other than English will be

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The support of The Columbia School Linguistic Society
is gratefully acknowledged

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Recent works that might serve as an introduction to
the Columbia School:

   Contini-Morava, Ellen, and Barbara Sussman Goldberg
(eds.).  1995.  Meaning as Explanation:  Advances in
Linguistic Sign Theory.  Berlin:  Mouton de Gruyter.
   Huffman, Alan.  1997.  The Categories of Grammar:
French lui and le.  Amsterdam:  John Benjamins.
   Reid, Wallis.  1991.  Verb and Noun Number in
English:  A Functional Explanation.  London:  Longman.
   Tobin, Yishai.  1997.  Phonology as Human Behavior:
 Theoretical Implications and Clinical Applications.
Durham, N.C. and London:  Duke U Press.
Quelle: e-mail von Joseph Davis, 15.8.01

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